Gnaw Their Tongues - An Epiphanic Vomiting Of Blood - CD (2008)

Labels: Burning World – Crucial Blast
Review by: Kunal Nandi

This is madness. GTT is some Dutch freak who’s put out tons of stuff dealing in the filthiest doom drone slathered with thick layers of noise, horrorshow keyboards and barely perceptible howling, all combined to make a totally oppressive, suffocating atmosphere that is hardly laugh-a-minute. Here are some songtitles: “My Body Is Not A Temple, It’s A Repulsive Pile Of Filth”, “The Urge To Participate In Butchery” and “Teeth That Leer Like Open Graves”. High-larious. While it seems borderline silly at times, and doesn’t really vary, you’ve got to admire the tenacity to which he clings to his singular vision, never relenting from the grindingly cathartic lurch. I still feel dirty.

Gnaw Their Tongues
Crucial Blast – CD
Burning World – LP