Krallice - Dimensional Bleedthrough - CD (2009)

Labels: Profound Lore
Review by: David Giles

Krallice, for me, manage to avoid creating any kind of atmosphere in their music. Sure, I can sit and say ‘cool riff’ etc. but it’ll only ever be half the battle. Honestly, I don’t think that the guitar work is as great as it is hyped to be either. Considering how long this record is, there are nowhere close to enough spectacular riffs to justify the “˜awesome guitar work’ talk that follows this band. I found myself bored well before the halfway point of the first track and nothing that followed recovered my interest. The promo sheet says that with this record, “œKrallice will solidify themselves as one of the most important and distinct bands in metal today”. I don’t think so. File under “˜hipster metal’ and leave well alone.