Labels: self released
Review by: Samuel Fowler
Um. This is rather hard. Attempting to give an objective or sensible
review to this would be like trying to review the colour purple, or a
roll of sellotape. I’m not trying to be difficult or funny in any way,
perhaps a few quotes picked at random from the insert would help
illustrate what I’m up against
“You make the coffin look cleaner than bad memes, you make it come out green”
“may glabrous, gilded fetlocks caress the surface of yr most feral desires”
“Tetrahedreron choked a fat swan, A pathoenic cuboid lodged in swans neck”
The rest of the album, inserts and promo sheet is densely covered in
similar nonsense, often written quite small or in a different colour,
utilising what looks like every font available in microsoft word. It
unfortunately comes across as being deliberately obtuse, where a
sentence could be written perfectly coherently, it seems as if some
word randomly selected from a thesaurus has been shoehorned in
instead. This just makes the whole arrangement extremely hard to
understand or read fluidly, which is a real shame, because I think
some of the songs are actually about topics and subjects that would be
of interest.
Musically they describe themselves as avant-rock quirk mongers dealing
with “anti folk” and “field noise”, but to my ears it just sounds like
an incoherent mess. Sure, the songs are wilfully experimental,
careening between genres and time signatures, yelps, barks weird
noises aplenty. I just can’t help shake the nagging feeling that some
of this is for the sake of it. Maybe this might appeal to some, but
there isn’t really anything here that sticks out as memorable, or
would make me want to come back to it again.