Low Low Low La La La Love Love Love - Feels, Feathers, Bog & Bees - CD (2009)

Labels: Other Electricities
Review by: Andy Malcolm

I’ve just found this again, think it was sitting in my desk draw for months. Apologies to all concerned, as it came out in October of last year. Anyway, in this belated review I can tell you that LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL play, for the most part, some very pleasant, gentle indie folk music. The songs are soft and drifting, my only real point of reference is Ida or Low, but shifted to California, and pumped up with some sunshine pop. Sometimes. One thing it definitely has going for it is that it is not “folktronica”, nor is it Shady Bard, thankfully. However, it does have xylophones. And xylophones have no place outside of the school music room.

This is fine music for the lazy Sunday, although they do have occasion to build up in repetitious post-rock style sections, all soaring guitars and guitar effects, with opener “Document 19” squealing to a close post the eruption. At other times there are cute little twinkles and crunchy guitar parts that I really appreciate, here and there “Blackbird 1” actually reminds me of when Joan of Arc weren’t adverse to writing a pop song. The bursts of noisiness don’t distract, and help add flavour to what could have been a very samey record, although perhaps it does not flow quiet as well as it could. I must admit that I am rather to partial to their charming hippy harmonies, which are frequent, but not over done to the point of distraction.

You could probably have a nap to this, although the infrequent loud bits might distract you. I am sure some bands would hate to see their music described as nice. The ultimate nothing word and one I am all too familiar with. However, I get the feeling that LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL would be more than happy to be treated that way. And so I will. This is nice.