Labels: Sound Study Recordings
Review by: Alex Deller
Erm, have to say that I’m kind’ve confused when it comes to bands like this. Is radio grunge coming back around, or are they just permanently stuck in the early 90s mud and sending us their guff thanks to Andy’s fondness for bands like Chune? Either way, the Future Now are fairly ok at what they do. They’ve rammed this thing full of chunky riffs and woozy melodies, recalling Stone Temple Pilots or the Foo Fighters in places but ultimately more in line with the likes of Wool or Radio Wendy since these guys don’t seem much up to penning a perfect rock club anthem either. Whether that’s down to a lack of chops, the awkwardness that sometimes drags them down or the fact that they’re valiantly opposed to being the next nth generation Nirvana lite platinum-sellers is anyone’s guess, but for now it’s left them stuck firmly in the middle of things.