Watcher - Between Signs and Suns - 7

Labels: Clue #2
Review by: Sam Knight

Wow. This record took me by surprise. It’s a pretty unrelenting rager of a 7″. Musically it is a fairly mixed bag. The main influence would be bands like
Welcome the Plague year or Union of Uranus, so pretty chaotic, slightly crusty screamo, but they mix it up with a slight modern hardcore feel and some total emo
parts, which adds to the dynamics of each song and makes the chaos more powerful when it kicks back in. The vocals are super high pitched and screamy, making them sound almost black metal. There’s a real element of nastiness to them to as well, bringing to mind the singer of Coleman.

The stand out track is definitely the opener ‘why god created fathers’, It’s the longest by far at 4:02 and is that song that really gives them time to explore their sound. There is a great emo build up part in the middle, which adds a great deal of atmosphere, only to explode into total screamo armageddon. The other songs are a lot shorter and don’t give them enough time to develop I feel. I’d love to hear a full length by these guys.

A lot of more modern screamo records I’ve heard lately have had a polished feel to the production, this, however brings the rawness, but is produced well enough to pack a punch. This is how this stuff should sound.