One of the things I like most about this website is when I get a letter that says something like this one: “œnoticed you had a reviewed a couple of members from this band’s old band, Super Chinchilla Rescue Mission way back when. We had a couple of releases out on ADD Records and Snuffy Smile about ten years ago. Figured I’d throw this new project over your way if you feel like reviewing it”. Hell yes I feel like reviewing it! Thanks for sending it in, guy from long forgotten pop punk band. I don’t really remember what SCRM sound like, ten years down the line, but I get the feeling it wasn’t too far removed from this – all heartfelt, whiskey-ed up vocals and fine melodies. It’s suitably age worn with a little melancholy edge, which is a key feature I look for in my melodic punk rock music. Second track “œDeal “˜em” is the pick of the bunch, it clicked with me instantly – really good shit. The Chantey Hook kick through their 4 songs on this little EP with plenty of gusto and good ideas, when you’re a band playing this kind of music you’ve already accepted that it’s all been done and you’ll never quite be Leatherface, but if you’re clued up enough you make sure you write some quality songs. That’s what Chantey Hook have done. Can’t say fairer than that.