Mourmansk 150 - Civil Disobedience - CD (2014)

Labels: self released
Review by: Oli Saunders

Mourmansk 150 seem less of a band than a strong political stance against oppression and capitalism, with some other baggage in the midst. The cover describes a horrible incident in Italy in 2001, though I become uncomfortable whenever I read the police being described as filth in such an overarching way. There are a few other bits in the record that make me uncomfortable, though I do understand the promotion of standing up and doing something about all the problems in the world, rather than just sitting around writing music about it. It looks like the band are concentrating on this as the music is just a drony feedback sort of noise with indecipherable words behind it. Track 3 is 24 minutes of it instead of the 4 minutes of the other three tracks.

30th December 2015