Round Eye - s/t - LP (2015)

Labels: Ripping
Review by: Alex Deller

Musically this is ok-ish jazzed-out punk that flails around like NoMeansNo, Monotonix and something that might’ve been evicted from ‘Fun House’ for being too vanilla. Recorded it’s not quite as wild and hairy as I imagine it might be live (and certainly not as out-there as, say, Zu or The Ex), and, depending on your fondness for wiggly jazz, it might well start giving you a headache before you even get to the proper meat of the LP. Music aside, though, it’s a pretty lame move to name yourself for a racial epithet (regardless of how vanilla and uninsulting it actually is), and even more so to have a song as cockishly-titled as ‘You Can Tell She’s a Dud Lay By The Fact She Has a Photo of Her Nephew As the Background on Her Phone’. Bleh.