Congenital Death - Fucklove: Prophet Of Death - LP (2016)

Labels: Hydrogen Man – Ranch Jams
Review by: Kunal Nandi

I am loving this joyously blasterific morass of riffs that stops and starts like its very existence depends on it. Powerviolence, fastcore, grind and noise are all in the blender here, creating a satisfying sonic smoothie that may not flow especially well, but it does contain nothing but great bits and pieces. It’s a tricksy, playful slab of ferocity that skirts the serious/silly boundary with aplomb, and it’s remarkable how something like this could be conceived let alone arranged and performed for your listening displeasure. Some people might find its flighty nature a bit much, but maybe it’s meant to be a bit much you puny humans.

Congenital Death
Hydrogen Man
Ranch Jams