Cutlass Supreme - s/t - CD (1999)

Labels: Some Records
Review by: Russell Opie

From the label that brought us Hot Water Music’s stunning “No Divison” album how could this 6 track EP possibly be anything less than good? And I hear that they have a full length to be released soon.

The first track kicks in with some nice cool guitars. And then the vocals start up. Crisp, clean and heartfelt, Pete will almost have you in tears at about a minute in. Perfection? I haven’t heard melodic rock music sound this good in a very long time. And there are none of those “emo-cliche” vocals or guitar riffs on this CD. This is just pure melodic rocky music, sung with emotion and honesty. These guys are amazing. They even give Texas is the Reason a run for their money. For it is that style indeed.

But ohmigod, its when I reached track three – “Dive Bar” – that I became totally besotted with this band. Such a simple song. And yet so incredible. This just totally gets me. Poppy and emotional – how could you help but not love this tune?

Cutlass Supreme are sure to impress you. And this wonderful little gem will see me through, as I anxiously await the release of their full length. Wow.