Charlottefield - s/t - 7

Labels: Jonson Family
Review by: Andy Malcolm

Ok, it’s a dude and he’s yelling and the band is like all doing these squelchy DC

style grooves going SHOUT SHOUT SHOUT and everyone sways back and forth whilst

really concentrating hard on their instruments. The guy is shouting like he is in

Don Martin 3 if they came from Washington DC and released a split 7″ with Hoover.

The bass and guitar are combining to rhythmical effect and going back and forth and

the dude is still shouting like he has just burned his fingers on a really hot

kettle. The song has finished, it was really short.

Ok, I have turned the record over.

Ok, it is faster like a band that is half way between Minor Threat and Rites of

Spring now and it is more hardcore sounding than that other song, and the guy with

his burned fingers is still screaming, I guess it really hurt. There are punk kids

all running into each other and shoving and spitting, and there are revolution

summer kids all picking flowers and stuff. Unity. The song is still going on, it is

longer than the song on the other side. It is quite repetetive. The punk kids are

too fat and have stopped shoving, they are just nodding now, because the song is too

long. Ok, it’s finished.

Ok, I think that this is a really good split (in styles) 7″ paying homage to bands

on Dischord. Maybe.