Various - The Dirty Half Dozen - CD (2004)

Labels: milliepeed
Review by: Andy Malcolm

Yoink. 21 songs and 69 minutes. That’s a lot. I don’t really have 69 minutes to spend listening to all this stuff incredibly closesly as I have too many

records of my own that I don’t spend enough time listening to, but I will do my best to be fair and all! These bands are all from the south coast of England

(I think I am right in saying), and they get to be on this one CD all together. How nice. The CD comes with this really cool photocopied insert with lyrics

for all the bands, it feels very DIY. I am familiar with a couple of the bands, but not all. Anyways.

Pilger – these guys open up and they do straight forward hardcore, I can’t really add to much, it’s kind of early 80’s sounding and they are good at it! If

you like Minor Threat and stuff then you can’t really go wrong with something like this. Probably good fun live if they play for 15 / 20 minutes.

Humans the Size of Microphones – been ages since I heard these guys, they offer up two songs on here and it sounds like they have are into stuff like older

Envy at the moment. Heavy and punishing hardcore, the guitars just thunder and the drumming is fast and the vocals are garbled. Damn impressive, apart from

the horrible metal vocals they do at times. Otherwise it has an awesome groove to it. Dead impressive! The second song is more emo, kind of like Yaphet Kotto

mixed with some One Eyed God Propechy! Nice. Has a weird metal bit with spoken vocals though. This is some of the best Uk shit you will hear I reckon, why

haven’t they got their own records out?!

Circus Act – i already reviewed these songs here.

Disoma – crikey, never expected to hear more Disoma. They open up with “Train Drivers Dream of Becoming Pilots” which is kind of like Indian Summer crossed

with Mohinder gone mathy! Really nice twinkly bits that suddenly hurtle into chaotic moments of screaming and out of control guitars before it goes all

twinkly again. Pretty bizarre but good with it! It gets more mental as it goes along. There are 3 other songs of differing differentness. The second is

deliberate and post-rocky, instrumental thing that has metal moments. After that they are right back with the weird spazzy stuff again, and it is spooking me

out. This song even has some Antioch Arrow type wobbly vocals. I can’t really describe everything Disoma does, as there is too much of it and I would run out

of webspace. Anyway, this was another unique sounding English band not following any silly trends. And they were all the better for it.

Intent – hardcore go! 5 songs of dudes playing straight-forward hardcore. Very typical, pretty solid for what it is.

You’re Smiling Now But We’ll All Turn Into Demons – I don’t like that name, it’s a bit “trying too hard”. Musically it’s like some band I can’t think of.

Sassy vocals. Fast riffing. Not really my thing.

So yeah, very interesting comp with some good stuff on it! Worth checking out, I don’t think any of these bands are that well known but none of them are

remotely bad at all. Nice one!!