Nyyaaarrgghh! Extortion are a robotic fist being punched through your brain: ultra-fast Infest / No Comment-inspired hardcore that’s overloaded on hatred and hopelessness to the point of haemorrhage. FUCKING AWESOME. Similarly frenetic buddies Agents Of Abhorrence are burdened by the same beleaguered sentiments but use grind as their medium. Caught on the wire between the rabid agility of Discordance Axis and the blunt force trauma of Phobia they’re savage and technically adept but thankfully minus the masturbatory grandstanding employed by so many of today’s faux grind dullards. Last track ‘Puddles’ wins out thanks to its initial gutter-dwelling crawl and final descent into bulge-eyed insanity, meaning the only thing you could possibly wish for would be a touch more weight in the production department next time they tear through town.