Chillerton - Hollow Lane - 7

Labels: Kiss of Death
Review by: Samuel Fowler

Well. I like Chillerton a little bit. A little bit more than quite a lot of other things that is. Or rather did. It’d hard to like a band who think they can get away with releasing something as unbelievable as “Bleak Unison” and then, y’know, not put anything to record for a while. That’s flat out MEAN that is. Seriously. Anyways all is forgiven for putting out a 7″ with a picture of a cockerel with “cock-a-doodle-do” on one side, and a prizewinning cow on the other. I’m not sure why it means they get let off, but it does. The rules are the rules, you can’t argue. Certainly not with the cow- it’s won PRIZES that one. Plus it’s pink.

Cow side up first. What the crap is up with this?. It starts off with the distinctive Chillerton drum sound, clipped and driving, then I have no idea what happens next. I honestly do not. Imagine the distilled essence of all the wasted evenings, soaked with cider, breathless walks home under starry skies, and incoherent conversation, pop this in a blender this and extract the musical essence. Cut with methanol to ensure the alcohol content is high. Already my head is bowed slightly, the clenched fist has creeped over the heart, and my eyes are squeezed closed. Good grief.. I hear the vocals punching away “There was a time when all this felt like miiine” I’m pretty sure there was. And I’m pretty sure it’s right now.

I spun this side a few times before I flipped it over. I was sure the other side would be just as good, but the compulsion to want to hear the first side again and again and again was strong. I’m glad I finally did summon up the willpower to turn it over however. “The Stonk” wastes no time before thumping away. It’s exactly as good as you’d have hoped for, scorched vocals bellicose guitars, the full shitting works. “Ebb and Flow” quickly scuffles in to round out the Cockerel side, reminding me of some of the earlier Chillerton songs.. The song sinuously winds and turns before lurching breathlessly in the centre of the stomach lurching and dropping right away. How good is this? Rick ta Life would fall right off his fucking horse with disbelief if he heard this thing.

This 7″ is reading off the Hymn sheet you’ve had for years now. Thankfully, scruffy grizzly punk rock is a progressive church with the worship of many deities allowed. This hallowed disc of plastic merely underscores why Chillerton have long had a reasonable sized parish to call their own.