A Modern Safari are from Italy. Roma to be precise. And they’ve made an eight-track cd of meandering indie rock, and it’s very much a Sunday record. Hey, today is Sunday! Anyway. Their sound is warm and considerate, just lolling around in a very pleasant fashion. If pushed for comparisons it sort of reminds me of older Karate or Aloha (no vibes, thank goodness, just a glockenspiel which is much more pleasant and not at all overused). The guitars are full and they work other instrumentation in quite subtly (unlike Aloha and that bloody vibraphone), the vocals are sung in English and really remind me of someone that I can’t quite get my memory to identify. The album is very melodic, chilled out and laidback. Almost horizontally so. I couldn’t imagine putting this record on just before a night out, or I would spend 30 minutes tying my shoelaces. Many of the songs clock in over the five-minute mark, and they have some really classy and smooth guitar parts going on at times. Smooth. Yes, that pretty much sumarises this album in a word. These guys have that quality in abundance.

The bio sums it up with “you could like A Modern Safari if Low follows Love in your record collection” and I think that’s a fair comment although they don’t necessarily sound too much like Low. Just you’d probably like them if you if you like both those bands. Especially on a Sunday. Really nice record.