Review by: Chris Bress

Formed from the ashes of the mighty Scalplock and the fearsome Morose come Flyblown, brutal UK hardcore made up of big smiles and raging thrash. Flyblown aren’t as fast as Scalplock, instead they play more crusty hardcore with insane vocals somewhere in between Unhinged and Draguar and the music sounding like an insane mix of Hellnation, Gauze and Opstand with the odd Dis-moment thrown in. The production on this is superb, it’s loud as fuck and everything just sounds right. As usual Pete’s lyrics are great and are exaggerated when he shrieks them out like a nutter with an axe. I’ve noticed a lack of old school thrashing crusty punk bands like this at the moment, Ebola are gone as are Urko and, of course, Scalplock. So it’s fucking cool to pick up a flyer for a band that’s ex-Scalplock, turn up be blown away and walk away with a fucking great LP for three quid.