Man, this 5″ was an absolute bastard to get to play, but well worth it in the end. Although my trials still were not over even after I did get it going. I couldn’t figure out which band was which. Some intent attention paying later, and I had it.

Jerome’s Dream are definitely the band on side A. And they are playing: emo violence. I think. Basically it’s super fast hardcore with high pitched wailed vocals and emo lyrics. Definitely one for fans of Reversal of Man, though obviously not quite on that level. Their 2nd song, “I Won’t Stop Wondering Until I Stop Breathing” has some cool emo breakdowns which help bring it more into line with the screamo stylee of Saetia and pals.

Book of Dead Names are playing rabid, chaotic, fall down hardcore. Think Swing Kids, Crimson Curse, all your favourite San Diego stupidness. The bloke screams a lot of stuff and there is a vague tune that you can follow, perhaps hum along to. They have a cool sample at the start, “Wiping out the human race? It’s a great idea, um, great! But, um, more of a long term thing. First we to focus on more immediate goals”.

BODN wins the split, but JD rock too. Worth hunting down, particularly if you lust after other bands on Witching Hour.