Review by: Tom Sloan

Hey, it’s a cd single, like those you might find down at your local Woollies. And it sounds worryingly ‘nu-metal’ on first hearing. Perhaps post-nu-metal might be more appropriate, despite how ridiculous the concept of a genre being ‘post post-something’ is. But hey, – it’s not that complicated – a loud, modern sounding, riff-based rock band, which kerrang will undoubtedly label as ‘post-hardcore’, or ’emo’ or something.

The vocals are kinda rough round the edges; difficult to tell whether it’s due to the guys’ microphone setting or the result of some serious smoking, or just practice. The truth is, these three tracks aren’t so bad. The first song is a solid effort, loud pounding melodic riffs but a bit generic unfortunately. The last song is better – edgier guitars, more tense vocals, and when the melodic part comes in at the end, it is made all the more effective by what has gone before.

Track 2, however, is rather unmemorable.

Undoubtedly set for some decent times ahead, in the sort of Hell is for Heroes pigeonhole.