Rydell - Home - 7

Labels: Flame On
Review by: Ian Cavell

I want to give this 7″ a 10/10 purely on the basis of a little slip of photocopied paper that I found inside the sleeve. The slip of paper contains a truly honest and sincere message that I’m not going to describe here (you’ll have to buy the 7″ if you’re really that bothered) suffice to say that it really touched a chord with me.

But, photocopied bits of paper don’t make great records and after the last Rydell review (see above) I was really hoping I could write something a bit more positive. And thankfully I can, because these four songs are pretty good. For those who don’t know, Rydell basically play emo-rock, in a similar vain to Chamberlain. Except on this release they’ve gone for the unplugged effect and recorded four acoustic songs. It seems a little odd listening to a song such as ‘Home’ in such a stripped down format but it actually works quite well. And its definitely the best song out of the four. Although thats not to say that the other three don’t cut because they all have a certain charm too. And while I still don’t think this is Rydell at their very best you could do a lot worse than picking up this 7″.