The American Monsters - Betty Gone Bad - split - 7

Labels: Modern Radio
Review by: Andy Malcolm

Well, this is a couple of years old but what the hey! We’ve never reviewed it before. And I am stuck for something to do this evening at 22:37. So yeah, why not review some painfully obscure punk rock record from 2001. I can think of worse things to do.

I even only picked this up because someone on my distro list wanted a copy so I got an extra one, just for the “hell of it”. Or whatever. I have no idea who either band are. The American Monsters do the side on here that I preferred least, playing that kind of scuzzy garage punk with snotty vocals that is the mainstream rage these days. It probably sounds like any one of a billion bands from yesteryear, it has distorto production, fast guitars and is not too bad. It fits pretty well with the Hidden Chord who also had releases on this label. They do 2 songs, neither of which totally thrilled me but they didn’t piss me off either.

Betty Gone Bad, despite having a weird name, I really enjoyed. Periodically I hear a weird pop punk band that I have fun listening to, and this period sees the turn of Betty Gone Bad. It’s always nice to hear DIY pop punk bands. I some I have really enjoyed recently have been This Bike is A Pipe Bomb, Abe Froman andSoophie Nun Squad. BGB seem to fit pretty well with those bands, with a free wheeling melodic and fun sound, and boy+girl vocals – which are kind of like the Former Members of Alfonsin in a way. I found this really catchy and it totally comes across in the right spirit, like the band is a gang of friends and not just a band. Smart. Two good songs, and worth checking out if you are into this style.