Review by: Tony Era

This is a great little EP from a band that is just a year old. They are a straight edge band and if I didn’t tell you, you would have guessed about five seconds into the first track. However, they are doing something a little different. The obvious straight edge stereotype is ramming youth crew ideology down your throat with abrasive chugga chugga music. This has shouted vocals throughout and fast drums, which are great, and I wouldn’t expect anything less. The guitars are pure Snapcase but fewer effects and more in your face and I can even spot the occasional melodic punk riff. It all adds a wisp of originality but maintains the core roots of the style.

It works well and track three ‘Miss You’ brings everything together with a great breakdown and the lyrics are very heartfelt as throughout. I admire straight edge bands that are straight edge in their private lives but don’t feel the need to smother all their songs with some sort of message. In truth most of the songs on here deal with emotions rather than attitudes and I enjoyed it a lot more because of it.

Artwork is basic but sharp and to the point, they don’t fuck about in any aspect of this whole release. The only thing that bothers me is the production, I feel it would be better with a bigger sound, no need to polish it up but it doesn’t hit home as hard as I would have liked. Saying that if I went to a gig I would probably be hit home all right, all the way to my door!

So overall an excellent debut, not perfect by a long shot but leaves me with enough interest and desire to see what they do next.