The last waltz for URANIUM 9 VOLT. Despite their lack of support, in a musical sense this CD represents them going out in a blaze of glory. The maturity and depth of their sound is absolutely phenomenal. Each song blends so well with the others round the edges, yet each maintains a complete individuality. They’ve got slower, mellower and more emotional than ever before and it’s just spot on. “November Reminder” illustrates the driving power of their sound, and the ability to spring musical surprises by changing from emo-style guitar side parts to full on rock such a natural way it instantly brings bands like JAWBREAKER and SAMIAM, whilst the figurehead of the album “How Far Is Far?”, bring a more JIMMY EAT WORLD flavour. It’s a great shame that U9V were never as recognised as the bands mentioned above. Deb is currently working on a new band, sitting on several unsellable copies of this, so get in touch – they are going VERY cheap I’m told. Excellent CD.