Yeah, a comp, it comes with a zine, um, this was pressed up to fund some money for a vegetarian grocery in Michigan. Very nice. How is the music?
- Small Brown Bike – heheh, if you’re an SBB fan, then unless you have this CD, you don’t have this song, cos it’s not on the ‘collection’ cd. so ner ner, ner ner ner. call yourself a completist? it’s a bit different to their other stuff, being less heavy, but still great. has a really grooving bass, and basically comes across as an emoey, melodic punk / hardcore song in a kinda leatherface style. vocals are lost amidst the noise. and it ends too quickly, but it’s good.
- Pressgang – quirky, erratic, scooting. it’s sort of emotional melodic hardcore, with desperate talked / shouted vocals. fast pretty much all the way, but ups and drops the tempo. this reminds me of absolutely no-one. weird
- the little rock nine – girl screams (later she sings), band plays mid-paced, dischordant hardcore with stops and starts and time changes. pretty mediocre. shroomunion are about 9000 times better
- Thoughts of Ionesco – god knows why these dullards get 2 songs. the first one starts off jangly, and has a strange guitar sound that sounds like a sine wave looping in the background. then in come the vocals, man, it’s dave grohl! then they get heavy and slow. chugging metalcore, i can’t stand. this is boring as shite. their 2nd song is faster, it has a riff that sounds like motorhead, but it’s apparently a bad brains cover. just fast paced metally punk rock with guitar solos. better than their metalcore, that’s for sure
- Lovesick – i really dig this, quirky melodic emo hardcore, with really neat vocals! some people have told me they can’t stand this distinctive singer, but on the track here, it works great. rather original. lyrics are emo as fuck
- the Middletown Project – uh, a folk song, with added dj scratching and stuff. wtf?
- Quixote – had heard good things about this band. begins for a while with what sounds like someone twanging an elastic band. then they play music, stop-start DC style riffing, mixed up with a bit of Jehu. pretty boring
- Madison – fuck off to MTV, shitty predictable rock band with heavy bits and emo parts and hot water music vocals. i heard foo fighters and smashing pumpkins on the radio today, both were about 10 times better than this. rock is corporate by nature, and the corporate bands do it the best. simple rule. ps, this song sucks.
- This Robot Kills – 40 seconds of spazzy new-wave garage insanity from these crazies. i don’t understand this great band. “cd’s ruin music” – too right!
- Keleton DMD – uh. weird! sounds like a dalek on vocals or something. weird hardcore with some melody and a groove. unpredictable, different and cool
- Voglio Capirlo – emo with very desperate vocals, talked and yelped. one of my favourite styles. bands like current, julia, republic of freedom fighters, just bands that are any good. one of the best songs here. anyone know who the heck they are though? where i can get any other stuff?
- m’sagro wen – 23 minutes, i am not going to listen to this. it’s basically just random noises & instruments. there’s a part that sounds like carnival music. or a school orchestra practicing.
and yeah, that’s it. so hardly an essential comp, but 2 or 3 really great songs justify it’s existence. Especially if you’re attempting to complete your Small Brown Bike set! Bingo!