NO NO NO! Why did this band have to split up? I wasn’t too devestated about that fact until I got this brand new 7″ on Witching Hour. And it seems that Saetia either just developed their sound, or got fed up with being imitated so often. Because this here is the most awesome screamo you’ll be picking up until 12 Hour Turn put out another record, let me tell you now.

Side A (or Chapter 1 as they suggest) is filled with two spastically chaotic numbers. “Requentin” is jampacked full of time changes and yelped dual screams, bruising yet grooving guitars, twinkle parts, and a lot more besides. Reminds me of the direction the Forstella Ford are moving in, crossed with the crazed power of a band like Portrait. I’m rather impressed by the out of breathe talked vocals this band now employ in places, it adds an extra element. When the song careers out of a talked part into the superfast finish, well, just hold onto your seat. “The Poet You Never Were” is the other song here, starting of slow and jangly, sooner or later it’s going to hurtle out of control into the whirlwind. It’s almost too nuts at times. But hey. Chapter 2 features one long song called “Some Natures Catch No Plagues”, which meanders and twinkles a long the way, with the desperate vocals cried out over the top. Top notch. It gets a bit driving at times, but never noisy. Very pretty.

It’s all topped off by some typically innovative Witching Hour packaging, covered in pictures of old electronic dials. Emo. Yup. Old, disused machinery = very emo. RIP Saetia. Eyes open for the ex-Saetia band on this unflinchingly great label very soon.