Review by: Kunal Nandi

Reptilian Records comes up trumps yet again, with an excellent split featuring bands that are both original in their chosen fields, clearly discernible from the rest of the pack and yet complement each other perfectly. Chaotic metal is where we’re at, and while that’s been a stale scene as of late, Medic and Triac (cool names and logos too) bring an essential freshness that’s as welcome as the music is frightening.

Medic serve up two tracks of chaotic metal hardcore, that is certainly fast and discordant enough to sate anyone’s sickest desire, but brave enough to ease up on the velocity and take time out to bludgeon the listener with some heftier passages that only serve to make the full-throttle sections even more crushing. Triac are almost more extreme, presenting a grindier approach at times before block-changing into deadly-slow walls of riffery. Overall, there’s the impression that both bands have an overwhelming desire to make this both extreme AND truly memorable for the listener, implementing a devastating precision that’s loose enough to maintain that all-important audience connection. Wonderful!