Nightshift - Tour Demo - Download (2014)

Labels: self released
Review by: MH

I’ve been wondering why this is on my ipod. I often have my ipod on shuffle while I’m running and every now and then these songs would come up that I didn’t recognise and thought sounded pretty cool. More often than not it was a Nightshift song when I checked. A little more research reminded me that this is a band that Gooey from Dowsing has joined. So it was probably that link that brought me to this band in the first place. It’s not a million miles away from Dowsing’s faster indie rock tunes but this is of a lower-fi and more in the powerpop arena. It’s not been mastered yet either so is pretty raw (and nicely so) but this is 3 songs they wrote before their first tour plus another 3 they wrote on their return. The lyrics are all bummed out nostalgia about how everything’s gone wrong. The opener is a touch more political and covers the topic of rape. It’s a really good start actually and the last song is slower and brings things closer to 90s indie rock. Well worth seeing what this band does next.