For the first time since starting this reviewing lark, I feel a minor case of burn out. It shouldn’t happen. I mean, all I am doing is buying music that I want to hear, then writing a bunch of words about it. Shouldn’t be too much of a problem. I put it down to the fact that I’ve simply heard too much new and different music in the past few weeks. The majority of it has been totally excellent, at least as good as whatever ‘proper’ label stuff was I was listening to a few months ago. I forget now. My mind is numb.

This review appears courtesy of a recommendation from Lee who does the excellent punk gig guide web page. Go see it, its in the links section. Whatever, he’s got good taste if this is anything to go by. Burning Airlines feature J. Robbins who you will have heard of if you know a band called Jawbox (I don’t), or if you have nothing better to do with your free time than read the credits for the latest Promise Ring and Kerosene 454 albums (which he produced).

“Carnival” is the more instant of the 2 tracks on here. Its a pretty blasting slice of music that I am not quite sure where to pigeonhole, which is quite annoying for reviewers, I can tell you. I wish Fracture had reviewed it, then I could cheat, and plagiarise any cool words they used. Let’s see. It mixes up some occasional hardcore guitars and rock music with a bang on tuneful chorus and emotive vocals. It’s certainly the sort of thing I’d listen to when pissed off. Good stuff.

Flip-side “Scissoring” is quite different, and again I am stuck. Its a lot slower, but is quite intense and atmospheric at the same time. I guess I would bracket it with Kerosene 454 in the sort of feelings generated from the sound. It then blasts into action towards the end with a real full-on rock out. Boom.

Yeah, I like it. Worthy of a place in your record collection, particularly if you have a penchant for moody rock music that knows how to utilise tunes.