Review by: Tom Hughes

Two sets of upstanding shit-off-a-shovel thrash bastards here on the CD version of a much-repressed 7″. Providence’s Drop Dead here sound half Negative Approach trad stomp and slam and half Charles Bronson power violence pile-on. They blast through half a dozen hits in just over five minutes, and though I can’t claim to be any the wiser for it I’m definitely a damn sight more pissed off and seem to be able to lift much heavier objects than normal without complaint. Good. Totalitär from Sweden do it more crustily, dealing out relentless D-beatings all round via clattery pots ‘n’ pans drums with lots of hyperactive cymbal smacking to flesh out the pretty nondescript guitar sound. Their three are done in four minutes flat. Got to say Drop Dead win both in songs per minute and fist-shake-inspiring regards. but it’s a pretty close race.