In a world tumbling to the vanities of false metal, Lair of the Minotaur are here to vanquish all pretenders to the throne. Mercilessly heavy, firing off riffs like flaming arrows and snarling lyrics that could be lifted from the storyboard of some lost Ray Harryhausen odyssey, this band will crush your skull with one blow from the haft of their mighty sword. Satisfying both the guttural, base-instinct needs of those who’d be happy enough headbanging their braincells away to Celtic Frost and the mores of an audience getting their first taste of fresh blood with the likes of Mastodon or High on Fire, Lair of the Minotaur have honed their metal to such an extent that the brawn and the brains are inseparable, leaving us with a savage, bestial thing guided by instinct yet possessed of enough greedy cunning to be able to outwit any humans foolhardy enough to think they have a chance of besting the creature in the depths of its own labyrinth.