Holy mother of some kid. This vinyl is so heavy that you could kill a guy with it.

In fact, I already did.

Well, I can’t tell you a single useful fact about either band here, but I can give you my highly sought after opinion. Starting on the band that is the Edmund Fitzgerald. Not sure who Eddy is, but the band creates a quite stunning mish-mash of mathy / emo dissonance. Lots of swaying and squawking guitars flying off the handle, whilst the drummer flattens his kit into submission, mixed with dark moody instrumental breaks and distant fluttery vocals that eventually make their appearance mark this one out as a band that fits in with Bob Tilton and Baby Harp Seal. Bet that got your attention. I hope they are not one of those bands that only sings on 1 out of 10 songs. Also very similar to Disoma. If you know them.
I bet these dudes are mental live. Check this shit out.

I was less taken with Youthmovie, but they aren’t too shabby either. They also indulge in swaying in a mathematical fashion, but it’s a lot tamer and less angry sounding. More tuneful and the sung vocals are more audible – though still nice as muddled so as not to be too distinct or imposing. They twinkle away jazzily and stuff at times, overall it’s not too far removed from Norwich’s very own Long Live, building up to big, loping rockage. Then suddenly about half way through it turns into their own kind of rock jam, and a guy screaming about 100 yards away. I kind of lost focus there for a moment and all of a sudden the song is completely different.


Strong split record of UK stuff, nice one!