Hey, welcome to Collective circa 1997! I think I’ve just accidentally republished a review from back then. Because six years ago there is a pretty solid possibility that me or Ian would review the Ga Ga’s in an adoring manner, but nowadays the only possible uber-positive review this band could get on the C would be if I had a time machine, or if I was reviewing it whilst way drunk at the Waterfront, with Simon. Unfortunately, Simon is in Malaysia and hanging out with Nadia and I am jealous! Miss ya both!

The Ga Ga’s are playing catchy melodic pop-rock that is relatively slick and fun, but I can’t really say this is something I want to be listening to very much. They seem to be a cross between those MTV pop punk bands and stuff like the Wildhearts, Nirvana, 3 Colours Red or long since forgotten Brit-pop-rock-metallers, Whatever (!). Yes, that’s what I thought. The Ga Ga’s are resplendent in their BRITROCK riffs, greasy hair, and singles that get to #62 in the hit parade. It’s the kind of thing they play at your local rock club and all the 16 and 17 year old kids with coloured hair and multiple piercings fall on the floor and puke whilst it’s on, or they kiss really badly to it.

Hrumph, I can’t even sell this bastard on Amazon until August as it’s not out yet. Jeez. Well. At least it takes me back six years.