Review by: Damien Mills

So The Legacy are finally back with some nautically-themed Steel City Straight Edge. Very nice it is too, with quite a lot of progression and trying different things which if we are honest is pretty unusual for these kinds of bands and should be applauded even if it doesn’t work. Thankfully here it does, the EP starts with a nice acoustic intro which they somehow manage to work perfectly into a much chuggier and harder part as the song kicks in proper. It also sets a nice tone for the whole record.

They have a nice thick sound with sort of strangled vocals rather than just yelled. Someone recently said to me they felt it was quite similar to Modern Life Is War if you’re looking for a comparison, but I think it has more of an old school feel to it still rather than a complete change of style.

Easily one of the best bands on Dead & Gone and probabaly in the UK doing this sort of stuff. Ch-check it out!