Anyone familiar with 12HT might be a little surprised when they listen to this for the first time. I certainly was. Gone are those long drawn out emo hardcore gems, the light twinkles that would inevitably preceed the blazing downward spiral. In their stead are the shorter, faster, more full-on aggressive stylings of this album. The songs are all typically 2 minute long blasts which is a little shocking! Either way, it still features the best screamo tandem currently in operation, and some of the best grooving guitars you’ll hear (if you don’t rock back and forth to “Second Story”, you officially hate emo).

The whole thing is still emo as fuck (“For Want Of A Real Whole” will fittingly tear you to pieces), but in a different style. Things are more chaotic my friend, and 12HT appear to be revelling in it. If you added a dash of Moss Icon and a spot of Torches to Rome to their previous music, plus the crazy and violent influence of a band like End of the Century Party, then you have the aural assault that is this new record. Only once do they ever suggest they are going to be anywhere near as pretty as they have in the past, on the incredible sort of Braid like “Little One”, but they soon get impatient and go postal and are screaming your house down before you know it. Screw your face up tight and shake to the intensity. And there is a song called “Ghost Kitty”. Aww.

Twelve Hour Turn are setting standards, being streets ahead of the emo screamers, whilst at the same time embarrassing lot the hardcore emoters who garner significantly more publicity. And anyway, this is the kind of record I could listen to forever. See thru vinyl and fantastical art in subdued faded emo colours too.