Abandon - s/t - CD (2013)

Labels: self released
Review by: C. Kuzmiski

Is “œslowcore” even a thing? Does it actually exist, or is it just another tiresome neologism to avoid just admitting it’s indie-rock? It has a particularly untantalising Wikipedia entry. It’s not even that new either.

Worry not; the Codeine style is dressed down. This season is all Spiderland in pyjamas dahling.
It would be easy to throw the book at Abandon for making a long, pondering and aggressively one-dimensional album. That is surely the point though. No one is going to seriously focus on every nuance of every song. There exists moments in life where you need a subdued yet epic album as a backdrop. That’s is where Abandon comes in. Unambiguous and appropriate; fuelling your subconscious.

There are some standout moments: “˜A Dark Room Filled With Light’ with its “˜I Want You (She’s So Heavy)’ riff is both the albums darkest and finest moment and certainly the closest it gets to heavy. “˜Deep Within The Earth’ is Jesu with half the faders pulled down.

You sense there is a temptation to go all quiet/loud at points. They avoid that. Too obvious, and It would create too much attention anyway. You’re not actually listening are you?