B as in Bullshit - Untitled Hidden Jam - Download (2014)

Labels: self released
Review by: Emile Bojesen

Who are these weirdos!? Well, they are Russian and I guess they are named after the Bukowski poem of the same name but these aren’t your average, cool dude, nice reference, get lost, kind of guys. They seem to think what they play is blues but that can only really make sense if every single blues record they had managed to get in Moscow had partially melted and also been repressed on with Eastern sounding saxophones. This is a seriously dense twenty minute fusion jam but one which comes across more with the sensibilities of Brainbombs than Mahavishnu Orchestra. Although that’s not to say there isn’t a lot going on. These guys can play. This isn’t bored punks doing drugs and recording the outcome. At least I don’t think it is and my guess is that at least most of them are very well educated musicians. If it wasn’t so primal and terrifying it would sound like something that might be more at home at the Barbican than some dirty squat. But no, this is definitely squat music.

B is for Bullshit are akin to Warmer Milks when they were making incredible records such as “˜Radish on Light’ or a more consistently striding Violent Students. That said, the closest comparison in terms of structure and range is probably Keiji Haino’s band Seijaku, who appeared and disappeared in 2010, with two incredible records showing what happens when Fushitsusha meet the blues (hint: its messy). Although this isn’t the usual Collective Zine fare I’m bloody pleased they sent it in as this is one of the best recordings I have heard all year. And, if this does in fact turn out to be played by humans rather than permeating from some fleeting dark force existing under the streets of Bulgakov’s Moscow, I’d love to hear some more.