R3 are some dudes, and this 7″ has 6 tracks on it. You may or may not have the demo. Whatever. The stuff on here is sloppy DIY punk / hardcore that has been roughly recorded and slapped onto vinyl. Their sound is rather rough and very much ‘live’, at times I find it reminiscent of early Moss Icon with fairly simple, frantic song structures and the urgent, implored vocals spilled out over the rather bassy proceedings. Nothing elaborate going on here, and if you own a stereo simply to boom records out at ridiculous volumes yet still have them sound crystal clear than perhaps this band is not for you. But if you appreciate slapdash DIY hardcore played by kids who give a shit, and you want to read lyrics that you can actually understand and connect with on a personal level, then Reactionary 3 are for you. You, my friend (and I mean that sincerely), are a dying breed.