Fireballs of Freedom - s/t - 7

Labels: Wantage USA
Review by: Alex Deller

More depraved rock n’ roll offered up by Wäntage USA here, those same fine folks who brought Big Business and the Whip to our attention. Fireballs of Freedom sit snugly alongside those bands for sure, and, while there’s less emphasis on The Big Riff, their devotion to the rock n’ roll cause is never called into question, delivering three slopped-together tracks of howling garage punk that barely keeps itself together for the duration. Slashes of guitar, the constant whine of feedback and furious yowling are the order of the day, and while there was probably some sort of structure in there at the beginning, much of it seems to have been lost beneath the frenzied adrenal spurt of forcing the songs to tape, giving them that vital, unpredictable air folks should demand from their rock n’ roll rather than settling for half-baked momma’s boys who couldn’t kick the crap out of a shite-filled piñata.