Humble Ary - s/t - 7

Labels: ash from sweat
Review by: Andy Malcolm

These guys need to do an LP. Right now. Its not fair that they keep teasing us with the odd 7″ or split or something. They need to lay down a 10 track album. I am sure I have said this already on these very pages, if not, I meant too. And if they can’t manage an LP, then the least they can do is a split 12″ with the Green Fuse. Or Bailer. All three would be better, but hey, we can’t be greedy.

Ok, the Ary dish up 4 tracks and I remain convinced that this is their best music yet. Mid-to slow paced emo with dual shouty-sobs from the singers, its very easy to draw comparisons to 12 Hour Turn and Sleepytime Trio, what with the grooving bass and deliberation thats going on. There isn’t a great deal of variation present between songs, but I never listen to emo to be surprised.
