Crocus - The Worst Kind Of Joy Is Hope - CD (2008)

Labels: We Heart Records
Review by: Joe McGonagle

I have to admit, it did take quite a few listens of this 5-track EP for it to generate some kind of grip in my head. It may be the fact that I burned out on this style a few years back and lapsed into listening to beatdowns all the time, though recently I have been discovering what the style has to offer in 2008. Then again, it could be that the saturation point has been reached causing bands like this to disappear into the throng.

The main problem is that Crocus are not unique. Their sound comprises of component parts of many of the usual suspects that come to mind when you think of the tag “Euro Screamo”. That said, the musicianship is spot on and they come across through the liner notes/website as sincere dudes who wear their influences on their sleeves.

Straight off the bat, ‘When Your Own Heart Asks’ opens with those octave chords and the vocal style that does not vary throughout the record, almost immediately segueing into a Takaru-esque chuggy riff. From here on it’s a mess of short riffs, fills and bridges, finally getting to a Honeywell-inspired passage that sees the song out.

This kind of pick-n-mix theme continues throughout the other four tracks. ‘Eat, Cut, Fuck or Run?’ demonstrates an enjoyable Orchid impression, ending with a melody reminiscent of earlier Envy records; ‘Merit Lies’ has its twinkly intro that Life At These Speeds are so good at, followed by at least 4 or 5 random generic riffs; “We Must Taste The Inexhaustable” (sic) does the Hot Cross thang, all twiddly riffs and high-end bass tremolo; and finally ‘Eight Great Fears’ mixes its PGMG-a-like riff with more La Quiete-isms.

All the above is perhaps being a little too pedantic though. There are some great moments on here that show boundless potential for the band to evolve and find their own sound. The final scream of ‘It’s all so simple!’ followed by echoing feedback certainly hits the spot.

All in all a decent enjoyable listen if you aren’t looking for anything particularly groundbreaking. Definitely not “the most exciting band [I] have seen for a very long time” yet though, which the label would lead us to believe. Looking forward to their next release.