Young Widows - Melt Banana - split - 7

Labels: Temporary Residence
Review by: Danny Parsons

The Young Widows song starts off all fast paced but soon calms down a bit, lots of shouty, repetitive vocals being gargling over the top. I’m pretty sure they’ve employed the use of some voice-altering gadget in this song (“˜Long Live the New Weight’) and to terrifying effect. It sounds genuinely sinister. I’m not sure whether I like it or not. Which is better than not liking it I suppose. I remember hearing Melt Banana on a Level Plane compilation that my friend lent me years ago. I hated them. I still hate them. This song (“˜Pain in Ash’) is horrible. It’s fine whilst it’s instrumental “” lots of twinkly electronic bits and the like. I swear, as soon as the vocals come in, it’s like being kicked in the teeth. Disgusting, high-pitched whining. I couldn’t even finish listening to the track.