When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth - Peaced - 12

Labels: Black Labs – Riot Season
Review by: Alex Deller

What the hell is going on here? Strange, clattery emanations that could either be knuckleheadedly primitive or a message from the future we’re all too backwards to yet comprehend, that’s what. Everything is cloaked with fuzz! Harmonic shrieks chip away at your skull like the beak of an extinct bird-beast! Someone is yelling and just won’t fucking stop! Why won’t they stop? What are they even saying? Do they even know? Who the shit cares anymore! If you like Landed and you like the clanging repetition of the second No Balls LP then put a bit of this in yer pipe and smoke it. Fucked if I’ll scrape you off the floor and tell you it’s all alright afterwards, though.