Olympians - To Our Wives and Sweethearts - Download (2011)

Labels: Evil Pop
Review by: Andy Malcolm

Norwich’s Olympians used to be known as Hair Traffic Control. Yes, I agree with you. Anyway, this has been sitting on my hard drive for months, mostly as I am a slacker who always forgets to review digital submissions. However, I really ought to write something as I always enjoyed the musique of HTC, and I also enjoy the music of Olympians. This picks up nicely from the last HTC EP I reviewed on here, with poppy tunes of a slightly mathy and twiddly nature. Now, any regular reader of this organ will well know my disdain for mathy twiddles, but Olympians are really restrained and they ensure that all inclinations to masturbation are subdued by stellar song writing ability. Opener “Foreign Language” is an absolute beauty of a song, so damn catchy, with delicious harmonies and a little keyboard. It is followed by “You Don’t Have to Be A Prick to Work Here But You Are” which merges moustache twirling jazz noodles with an absurdly nice finale which again is replete with those harmonies. Then give it some on “Pictures” which is just so damn cute, rolling along majestically before it throws in the trumpetmo *swoon*. Hey, there are 3 more songs on here. You should get the gist. Go and read the last HTC review (Untitled Demonstration Materials) if you need further expansion, as it’s not so far removed from that, and hopefully I already made myself clear.

This is one billion times better than Algernon Cadwallader. I really need to go see Olympians play again, it’s been over a year, I’m such a jerk.