Ovens - s/t - 7

Labels: Catholic Guilt
Review by: Kunal Nandi

In this modern age of running water and the internet on computers and stuff, we are all becoming completely and utterly attention deficient. You probably didn’t even make it to the end of that last sentence. Anyway, Ovens know this, and have tailored their crunchy, anthemic power-pop grunge accordingly, cramming and distilling down first-two-album-era Weezer into about a fifth of the space as if vinyl was running out as a resource (which I guess it is). Seriously, it’s so relentlessly catchy that it’s almost overwhelming. In the highly unlikely case of you not digging a song, it’ll probably be over in 40 seconds and you can get on with the next one. Also available is a CD on Tumult with 44 bloody songs from 2006-9, all without a single stinker in the lot. Great band or greatest band? You decide.

Catholic Guilt