These guys named Quicksand as one of their favourite bands so I thought this might be of interest. They were one of my favourite bands ever and I absolutely love the album ‘Slip’ in particular – I still play it regularly. Cold Summer come from Wakefield. As opener ‘Waiting’ starts that Quicksand influence becomes immediately apparent. However, it does veer a bit too much towards metal for my liking. The vocals move from sung to yelled. There is a brief song up next which has yelled vocals over a solemn sounding guitar. ‘A Is For Arson’ has some nice driving guitar riffs in the verse but I’m less keen on the clean vocals and the chorus which goes a bit stadium rock. ‘Car Crash’ has a bit of a La Dispute thing going on in the vocals during the verse particularly, and there is a rocky guitar solo towards the end. The lyrics are a tad clichéd too. Last song ‘Mistakes’ is more of a stripped down, sadder song. This one is alright. Overall though, this is not for me I’m afraid.

By M H