Deadbeat Fleet - EP II - CD (2012)

Labels: self released
Review by: MH

This is some rocky, slightly garagey stuff from Germany. They have been together since 2010 and are ex- or involved in a few other bands. It’s fairly straightforward with sort of noisily sung vocals and they have opted to sing in English. There are seven songs on here and they lean towards a bit of hard rock with some intrusive metally guitar solos on occasion. I’m struggling with comparisons but it’s fairly basic rock. “Output Is Circular” has some more yelled vocals and then an odd kind of jazzy interlude halfway through. “Burn Me Down” has an interesting riff but the songs drifts into a similar zone as the rest of the EP after the intro. There is a 7 minute slow whopper to close the EP and it’s too much for me – it even just peters out towards the end. It’s certainly not the worst thing I’ve ever heard but I can’t get into it myself – a bit too rocky for me. It’s up on their bandcamp page for free download so you have nothing much to lose apart from a bit of time and disk space.