Sleepers - s/t - Tape (2013)

Labels: Wolf Town DIY
Review by: MH

In the midst of a healthy dose of writer’s block of some bands I was struggling to write anything about I heard about this and it totally blows me away. This is a new emo band from Coventry and the music they have put down here has that strong UK 90s influence replete with a perfectly jangly guitar sound and great shouted vocals that still have a subtle vulnerability and never quite fly off the handle. The guitars jangle and twinkle lightly in the background and they don’t get much past mid-pace. Lyrically they are dealing with sadness and girls – see “What’s the number for 999?” (“I’m sorry you don’t feel like you can be yourself with me/And I’m sorry we made each other sad and it ended up like this”). It’s mainly downbeat but resilient and defiant at the same time like in “Victory is mine.” (“I’d rather drown than be in your arms again/I’ll build a boat and learn to sail or I’ll swim until my arms fail”). At different times they evoke 90s emo bands from the UK and Boys Life. When this music is done well it moves me hugely and Sleepers have succeeded in doing that already. This is exceptional.