Sissy Spacek - Lead Their Exit - 7

Labels: Dais
Review by: Kunal Nandi

Hey do you like music? Well fuck off because Sissy Spacek are back with a new record even though it’s only been a fortnight since the last one. From my fairly uneducated viewpoint, given John Wiese and his associated acts’ enormous discography, Sissy Spacek is the noise maestro’s more “œband” oriented outfit, making grindcore with seemingly improvised riffs that then get treated, processed and/or cut up somewhere between the recording and manufacturing stages. “œLead Their Exit” seems to find them very much in their live element, foregoing that second stage of tape manipulation, but it’s still horrendous, fucked up and cathartic. The line-up this time is Wiese on bass, Charlie Mumma of the fucking excellent Knelt Rote on drums and Sara Taylor from Youth Code screaming along. They might cover Arsedestroyer a couple of times on here but I can’t really tell. Anyway, while I’m sure your kid could have done this, it didn’t.

Sissy Spacek
Dais Records