Tides Of Sulfur - Paralysis Of Reason - Download (2019)

Labels: APF – Astral Noize – Black Voodoo – minoRobscuR – Sludgelord
Review by: Alex Deller

Ugly artwork and ugly music from this Welsh mob, who touch base with the modern horrors like Trap Them and Dead In The Dirt while harking back to older forms of scummery such as those laid down by Doom, Dystopia and Ulcer. The band know exactly when to blast and when to take their foot off the gas and let the riffs lag while the vocals are constantly set to paint-peel, and if the samples are a bit too on the nose (the relentless Ray Winstoneisms of ‘Humourless Cunt’ are either puerile to the point of disbelief or an all-too-effective attempt at rendering a naughty word meaningless…) then the slip is at least forgivable because, well, it’s all just so enjoyably nasty.