Got to admit, I’m a sucker for punk that’s loaded with scratchy, jittery guitars – especially when it’s as powerful as this. All Hits hammer and yammer their way through eight tracks of sharp, agitated punk that makes me think of a pissed off Ut, the Au Pairs if they’d grown up on hardcore or late-period Fugazi if the scuffs hadn’t all been buffed out. The songs are sharp and direct but also artful and inventive, with the urgent, jagged slashes and the furious yammers shot through with splintery melodies and vague smudges of spaced-out gothiness that make me think of Criaturas or Deskonocidos. The savage, on-point lyrics are the icing on the cake, and it all makes for a brutally perfect punk record that’s easily one of this bastard, blighted year’s very best.